Powerful and Easy to Use Project Management Software

Deliver Projects Faster than Ever with a Powerful
and Robust Project Management Solution - Plan, Track, Execute, Report

Improve collaboration, efficiency, complete projects within scope time and budget constraints

IT Industry

  • Project Tracking and Resource Management
  • Billing and Client Management

Sales Teams

  • Activity and Performance Tracking
  • Commission Calculations

Marketing Teams

  • Campaign Management
  • Budget and Resource Allocation

Human Resources (HR)

  • Employee Time Tracking
  • Training and Development

Finance and Accounting

  • Project Costing and Budgeting
  • Client Invoicing and Billing

Project Managers

  • Task Assignment and Tracking
  • Resource Allocation and Planning

Make your Project Management & Teamwork Easy

Project Setup and Planning

You can define your project objectives, timelines, and details of your team members to better organize your projects. The seemingly complex task is made easy through project setup and planning. You can create your milestones and track your progress ensuring that your project progress stays aligned with your goals.

  • Project Creation: You can easily create new projects with their defined objectives, timelines and team members.
  • Milestone Tracking: You can set milestones and track them to ensure that the project progress stays aligned with the goals.
  • Document Management: Document management here is very easy. You can store, organize, and share the project documents for better collaboration among team members.

Collaboration and Communication

AI-enabled chatbot makes it easier for teams to communicate and collaborate. Documents, files, and other resources can be shared easily, allowing an enhanced workflow.

  • Collaborative Planning: Teams can plan together, define project objectives, and allocate tasks and responsibilities.
  • Communication with AI chatbot: AI chatbots in the project management tool create a responsive work environment by addressing certain issues and allowing instant communication.
  • Document Collaboration: The tool allows document collaboration in real-time ensuring faster completion of tasks. It also helps the team stay on the same page.
  • File Sharing: Project management tools make information sharing very easy. Project files, documents, and other resources can be shared seamlessly.

Financial Management

Financial management is yet another factor that is made easy by project management software. You can ensure that your project remains within budget by allocating available resources effectively.

  • Budgeting: Define project budgets and track expenses to ensure projects stay within financial constraints.
  • Resource Allocation: It allows efficient allocation of resources such as equipment, materials, manpower, etc.
  • Set Currency: You can specify project currency for accurate financial reporting and expense tracking

Project Progress Monitoring

The tool allows you to monitor your project progress against the set milestones and timelines so that proactive measures can be taken in case of any deviation and timely adjustments can be made to ensure the timely completion of the projects.

  • Define Work Capacity: You can define estimated work capacities to improve overall team productivity and ensure realistic timeframe for projects.
  • Progress Tracking: You can track the progress of your projects against the set milestones and timelines.

Empowering Excellence: A Multitude
of Powerful Tools, one platformproductservice

Future-Ready Collaboration: Expanding Horizons with Numerous Upcoming Integrations
Your Journey from Start to Finish, Enhanced


What is project management software?

Project management software is a software or application designed to help individuals and teams plan, organize, execute, and monitor projects effectively. It typically provides features such as task management, scheduling, resource allocation, collaboration tools, document sharing, and reporting capabilities. It aims to streamline project workflows, enhance communication and coordination among your team members, track progress, and ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget. It’s used across various industries and sectors to manage projects of all sizes and complexities, from small team initiatives to large-scale enterprise projects.

What are the key features I should look for in project management software?

Different teams can have their specific requirements from project management software. However, some of the basic features you should look for in a project management software includes –

  • Task management – where you can create, assign, and prioritize tasks within a project
  • Collaboration tools – that facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among team members
  • Milestone setting – the feature that allows you to set a timeframe for your project with several milestones before the completion of the project
  • Document management – to allow teams to organize and share documents such as design files, contracts and reports, etc.
  • User-friendly – an interface that is so easy to use and the learning curve doesn’t become the reason for resistance from team members
  • Customizable – a tool that is customizable as per the specific needs of different industries and teams
  • Integration – a tool that can be easily integrated with other tools being used in your organization
  • Security and privacy – a tool that is compliant with all the mandatory privacy regulations keeping users safe and secure

Is project management software suitable for all types of projects and industries?

As project management tools are highly adaptable and customizable, they are useful for almost all kinds of projects and industries. From manufacturing to the service industry, from remote teams to office environments, and from small teams to big organizations everybody can utilize the power of project management software to enhance their project efficiency.

How do I choose the right project management software for my team?

You can follow the following steps to choose the right project management software for your team –

Step 1 – Identify your specific requirements
Step 2 – Research on the available options in the market
Step 3 – Match the features and functionalities with your requirements
Step 4 – Check compatibility and integration with the existing tools in your organization
Step 5 – Review customer feedback
Step 6 – Take demo or trial runs for a few shortlisted tools
Step 7 – Pick the one that best suits your needs and budget

How can I ensure the successful adoption of project management software within my team?

To ensure that your team adopts project management software without resistance you need to plan and execute very carefully. The steps to ensure this may include –

  • Clearly explain to your team the ‘why’. They must be informed why you need a project management tool.
  • Provide demo and comprehensive training before fully bringing in the software
  • Keep stakeholders involved in the decision-making process. The team should not feel that you have imposed your decision on them.
  • Demonstrate your leadership by actively using project management software and leading by example.
  • Encourage team participation by celebrating the successes of early adopters.
  • Be open to feedback from your team and be ready to tweak your plans wherever needed.

What are the benefits of using project management software?

Project management software offers several benefits, including:

  • Organization – It helps you to keep all your project-related information in one place, including tasks, timelines, documents, and communication, which makes it easier to stay organized and focused.
  • Collaboration – Project management software allows you and your teams to collaborate more effectively by providing centralized communication channels, real-time updates, and the ability to share files and documents.
  • Task Management – It enables teams to create and assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress, ensuring that everyone knows what needs to be done and when.
  • Resource Allocation – Project management software helps in allocating resources efficiently by providing visibility into team members’ workloads, availability, and skill sets.
  • Time Tracking – It allows for the tracking of time spent on tasks and projects, which helps in better estimating future projects and improving productivity.
  • Budget Management – Many project management tools include features for budget tracking and expense management, ensuring that projects stay within budget.
  • Risk Management – Project management software often includes features for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, helping teams anticipate and address potential issues before they become problems.
  • Reporting and Analytics – It provides reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing project managers to track key metrics, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve project outcomes.
  • Scalability – Project management software can scale with the organization as projects grow in size and complexity, providing flexibility to adapt to changing needs.
  • Remote Work Support – With the rise of remote work, project management software facilitates collaboration and coordination among distributed teams, enabling seamless communication and workflow management regardless of location.

Overall, project management software streamlines project processes, enhances team collaboration, improves productivity, and ultimately helps organizations deliver projects more efficiently and effectively.

How much does project management software cost?

The cost of project management software can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the features offered, the size of the organization, the number of users, and the deployment model (cloud-based or on-premises). Here’s a general overview of the typical pricing models:

  • Free Plans – Some project management software providers offer free versions with limited features or for a limited number of users. These free plans can be a good option for small teams or individuals with basic project management needs. For instance, Karya Keeper is currently offering a lifetime free subscription for the first 1000 users.
  • Monthly or Annual Subscription – Many project management software options operate on a subscription-based pricing model, where users pay a monthly or annual fee per user. Prices can range from a few dollars per user per month for basic plans to higher-tier plans with more advanced features that may cost tens or even hundreds of dollars per user per month.
  • Enterprise Plans – For larger organizations or teams with specific requirements, project management software providers often offer enterprise-level plans with additional features, customization options, and dedicated support. The pricing for these plans is usually customized based on the organization’s needs and the number of users.
  • One-Time Purchase – Some project management software may offer a one-time purchase option, where users pay a flat fee to own the software outright. However, this model is less common for cloud-based project management solutions and is more typical for on-premises software.
  • Custom Pricing – In some cases, especially for larger organizations or for highly specialized project management solutions, pricing may be determined through custom quotes based on the specific requirements of the organization.

Ultimately, the cost of project management software can vary widely, so it’s essential to evaluate your organization’s needs, budget, and desired features carefully before selecting a solution. Additionally, many providers offer free trials or demos, allowing users to test the software before making a purchase decision.

Is project management software easy to implement and use?

The ease of implementing and using project management software can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the software, the familiarity of users with similar tools, the level of customization required, and the support provided by the software provider. Generally, many project management software solutions are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, with user interfaces that are easy to navigate and understand.

Some project management software can be quickly implemented, especially cloud-based solutions that require minimal setup and can be accessed through a web browser. These types of software often provide pre-configured templates and workflows, making it easier for teams to get started without extensive customization.

However, for more complex project management software or for organizations with specific requirements, implementation may require more time and effort. This could involve tasks such as data migration, integration with existing systems, user training, and customization to fit the organization’s workflow.

Ultimately, the ease of implementation and use of project management software can vary from one solution to another and from one organization to another

Can project management software integrate with other tools?

Yes, project management software often integrates with a wide range of other tools and software commonly used in business environments. These integrations help your team to streamline workflows, improve collaboration, and enhance productivity by enabling seamless data sharing and communication between different systems. Here are some examples of tools that project management software can integrate with:

  • Communication Tools – Integrations with email clients, instant messaging platforms, and video conferencing software facilitate communication and collaboration among team members.
  • File Sharing and Storage – Integration with cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive allows for easy access to project-related documents and files.
  • Calendar Applications – Integration with calendar applications such as Google Calendar or Outlook enables users to sync project deadlines, milestones, and meetings with their personal calendars.
  • Time Tracking and Accounting Software – Integrations with time tracking and accounting software help track billable hours, manage project budgets, and streamline invoicing processes.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems – Integration with CRM systems allow project teams to access customer information, track sales opportunities, and manage client relationships more effectively.
  • Development and Design Tools – For software development projects, integration with code repositories like GitHub or version control systems like GitLab helps manage code changes and collaborate on development tasks.
  • Task Automation Platforms – Integration with task automation platforms like Zapier or IFTTT enables users to automate repetitive tasks and create custom workflows between different applications.
  • Analytics and Reporting Tools – Integration with analytics and reporting tools allows project managers to track key performance indicators (KPIs), generate reports, and gain insights into project progress and performance.

These are just a few examples, and the specific integrations available will depend on the project management software chosen and the needs of the organization. Many project management software providers offer integrations through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) or built-in connectors to popular third-party tools and services.